(Compiled by Larry Cornett)
Sit upright and breathe deeply from the diaphragm
Breathe in white purifying energy, feeling it energize and purify
Bring this energy to your center
Breathe out muddy brown bad energy (while thinking of whatever might be bothering you being expelled and grounded)
Continue until you feel clear/purified
(This can be combined with the Starhawk Tree Meditation or other grounding and centering involving breath
Fill ritual chalice, with water.
Put a mound of salt on a pentagram
Get athame ready
Ground and Center
Light appropriate incense (frankensence very good), saying:
Blessed be thou creature of air
Bless water, salt and athame, one at a time, saying:
Blessed be thou creature of Water
Blessed be thou creature of Earth
Blessed be thou creature of Art
Using your athame, stir in three mounds of salt and stir counter clockwise. While doing so, say:
Salt and water, Inner and outer, Soul and body, Be cleansed!
Cast out all that is harmful!
Take in all that is good and healing!
By the power of the Mother of all life, And her lover the Horned God, So mote it be!"
(or can end with By the powers of life, death, and rebirth, So mote it be!)
Hold the chalice close to your heart and feed power into the water. When you can feel it glow, it is ready.
Pass the cup around the group, and each person does a personal purification. Participants hold the cup and visualize all your worries, problems, and distractions flowing out into the water in a muddy stream,
Sit with the cup in your lap. let your fears, worries, doubts, hatreds, ect. surface in your mind. See them as a muddy stream, which flows out of you as you breathe and is dissolveded by the salt water in the cup. Allow yourseld time to feel deeply cleansed.
Now hold up the cup. Breathe deeply and feel yourself drawing up power from the earth. Let the power flow into the salt water, until you can visualize it glowing with light.
Sip the water. As you feel it on your tongue know that you have taken in the power of cleansing, of healing. Fear and unhappiness have become trasformed in the power of change.
Empty the leftover water into a running stream. (Alas normally the closest stream is the one in your kitchen sink that runs down the drain.) (Starhawk)
From Starhawk; "The Spiral Dance: Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddess"; HarperRow 1979, with some descriptive wording from
A variation does not involve sipping the water, instead, HP/HPS charges a chalice or bowl of salt-water, and everyone channels their negetive energy into it until they feel purified. After the ritual, it is dumped into a toilet and flushed, or otehrwise properly disposed of
Ground and Center (when circumstances permit)
Attune to Kali, recognizing yourself as a manifestation of her and a channel for her power
Im, rheem, cleem, shreem , (while using hands in rotary motion from ground up, scooping and rolling up crap from your aura into a wod of nasty energy)
Phat, (Picking up the wad of energy above your head and concentrating it
Swaha (Throw energy to floor while projecting firey energy of transformation at the energy sent)
(phonetic spelling)
ATONEMENT Penetance, Apology, Reparation (compensation, reimbursement)
Catholic type confession to a priest vs protestant type prayer for forgiveness
Enhanced Free Spirit Alliance Code Of Honor:
1. I will consider my word sacred
2. I will respect all others' rights to freedom in all areas, and their safety, privacy and opinions.
3. I will respect the life of this planet.
4. I will take personal responsibility for my actions, and if I err or am wrong, I will be quick to apologize and make restitution.
5. Honesty is valuable. I will remember this in thought, word and deed.
From an Imbolc dedication ritual by Selena Fox:
Draw Ritual Bath (add ritual salt and/or purifying herbs in bath, plus three white flowers)
Light room with 3 white candles
Light frankensence
Comb body hair to help remove negativity
Ask Goddess to wash away negativity, cleanse body, mind and spirit,
Immerse 3 times while sending thoughts and feelings to get rid of into the water (repeat if necessary)
Affirm: May the Goddess work through me from this point forward
Dry, comb, and center self, then proceed to ritual
A variation involves sending the negetive energy into shower water instead of a bath. This can be enhanced by use of purifying soap, a cheesecloth sachet of purifying herbs and/or salt during the shower, and brushing skin with flowers afterwards.
Another variation involves working with Nature Spirits to find appropriate power spots and purifying beneath a suitable waterfall or performing ritual purification in a flowing river, river-mouth or in a lake or sea.
This ritual is a purification bath. You will need an infusion of vervain, to the following proportions:
4 teaspoons crushed vervain
2 cups water
Pour boiling water over crushed vervain. Cover and let steep until cool. Strain into a clear glass container.
While straining the infusion, picture its purpose, a pure you. Fill the infusion with those energies.
Note: if you feel you are unable to call up these energies, that is ok, just envision yourself as pure.
The Ritual
Fill a tub with water. Add the infusion. Immerse yourself, and feel the impurities flow out of you. Inhale the scent of the vervain. Breathe deeply and relax. When the water has cooled, watch the impurities flow down the drain. Rinse off the last of the impurities from your body.
That evening, you may wish to keep a sachet of crushed vervain on your pillow.
Purification of Self from
· Bath in a tub of sea-salted water. Use 1/2 cup per bath
· Put on white garment, even a sheet wrapped and strategically tucked will work
· Annoint your body with almond, or gardenia oil.
· Sit alone is a quiet place while you feel the breeze rushing through you taking all negative thoughts and feelings with it.
Visualize yourself as a glowing white Light Being that wind can pass right through blowing out dust and debris until you are sparkling clear as snow. Visualize this as your mind and body and soul unite for the coming rite. Let no one disturb you for 20 minutes while you are doing this.
· Soft music as harps or pan-flute can be used to set the mood.
Items: A cup of spring water and a white candle
Ground and Center. Begin to feel inner power. Light candle with the intention to purify yourself. Allow the light of the candle to resonate with your own power, making both stronger. Pick up the cup and hold it at heart level. Breathe deeply, feeling the light of the candle permeate the water… Feel your heart open and imagine that you are forming a circuit of power with the candle flame, flowing through the cup of water. "See" the water glow with that power. Allow it to become charged with power. Take three deep breaths and then drink the water, feeling it wash away all that is impure or useless. Bask in the power of the candle and the openness you feel. Extinguish the candle. A deepening of this ritual might include performing it in the bath tub, shower, or outdoors and pouring the water over your head.
At toilet: Let your fears, worries, doubts, hatreds, ect. surface in your mind. See them as a muddy stream, which flows out of you as you breathe and is dissolveded into the water. Then flush Taught by Selena Fox
BONESET has a reputation for preventing and curing unnatural illness. It is known as: BONESET Compositae (Thoroughwort, White Snake Root) Eupatorium perfoliatum, Eupatorium rugosum
To counteract occult poisons, folks rub dry BONESET leaves all over their body, then take the leaves outdoors and burn them with 7-11 Holy Incense.
For Health: Brew BONESET leaf tea and bathe in it to get rid of enemy tricks that have affected your health. BONESET can also be used to purify a sick-room by sprinkling it onto the floor and then sweeping it out the front door.
Protection: To ward off jinxing illness, carry BONESET leaves in a mojo bag with Angelica Root and Devil's Shoe Strings. The alternative name WHITE SNAKE ROOT indicates that the plant also protects from Snakes.
From If taken in large doses Boneset will act as a laxative, and can cause liver damage
From The Miracle of Light by Velvel "Wally" Spiegler
Blood and fire are the two elements of purification. Blood that the priest sprinkles on the Altar, in the case of communal purification and the fires that consume the sacrificial animal. Leviticus 14:14-17 opens with the catalog of sacrificial offerings. The metzora, the contaminated individual is required to undergo rites of purification, involving animal sacrifices that relate to the three major holidays preceding Hanukkah. These include chatas, the sin offering; asham, the guilt offering; and olah, the burnt offering. All of this catharsis as a precursor to healing arises from the miracle of light. I guess the Hanukkah story wasn’t so simple, after all.
… Leviticus 14:17 begins with "these are the rules for one who has become ritually unclean", and the verses go on to explain in a vague manner the three types of sacrifices necessary to complete the process, in order to stand clean before God. We can glean insight here to the roots of Jewish healing. First the candidate must begin with the initial purification; this is comparable to the service of Rosh Hashanah. We go on to the admission and atonement of guilt; that's Yom Kippur. And finally, a transformation to one's former purity, with gifts for good relations, that takes place during the week of Succot.
From Now, Jesus Christ has been made by God an offering for sin; and oh that to-night we may be able to do in reality what the Jew did in metaphor! May we put our hand upon the head of Christ Jesus; as we see him offered up upon the cross for guilty men, may we know that our sins are transferred to him, and may we be able to cry, in the ecstasy of faith, "Great God, I am clean; through Jesus' blood I am clean."
From -- an Ojibway 7th fire Tradition webpagen
Smudging has been used since ancient times by many people as a ceremony of cleansing and purification--among pre-Christian pagans as well as Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, among Hindus and Buddhists as well as Cherokee and Lakota. Called "incense" in some traditions, it can be made of a variety of fragrant plant materials. Native Americans have used their local plants of obtained more exotic materials through trade with tribes of other regions. Among the plants used for smudge are tobacco, sweetgrass, calamus, red willow bark, red osier dogwood, cedar needles and sage. (This is not culinary sage of the genus Salvia, but is one of the species of the genus Artemisia, which includes the landscape perennials, silver mound and silver king, as well as sagebrush and mugwort.) We gather my favorite sage in the Rocky Mountains of Utah, Nevada, and northeastern California. Its fragrance is wonderful before and during the smudging.
The chosen plant material should be dried and tied into bundles with cotton string or any other natural plant fiber. We wrap bundles as thick as our hands can hold. Four colors of string is combined to honor the four directions--red for the east, yellow for the south, black for the west, and white for the north. Or the material can be crumbled, cut or coarsely ground and stored in a container that prevents the loss of the aromatic oils that give sage its characteristic fragrance.
A natural container is needed to hold the mixture as it burns or smolders. Some prefer a large shell (although some people believe that a shell has water energy which impairs the fire energy of the smudge), others use an earthenware bowl or a hollowed rock.
You will need a way to fan the embers to keep them burning. In some traditions, it is considered disrespectful to blow upon the smudge with one's breath. You can use your hand to sweep air into the embers, but a feather, feather fan, or wing are much more effective. To keep smudge burning you will also need matches or perhaps a lighter.
You can use this ceremony to purify and cleanse people, places and things. Smudging brings an awareness of the sacred and should be performed with sensitivity and respect. As you add each pinch of the smudge mixture to the shell or pot, offer thanks to the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of each of the four directions, The order of honoring may differ from nation to nation. Some start with the east, others from the north or east. Always the rotation is sunwise, following the path of the sun (east-south-west-north, for example). Then to Mother Earth (down), Father Sun (up) and finally to the Great Mystery within all things (brought to your heart).
Bring all of the smudge together in a mound in the center of the container. After igniting the mixture, fan it until it is burning well. Continue to fan the embers as needed to keep them smoldering. Once again offer the smoke to the seven directions--East, South, West, North, Mother Earth, Father Sun, and the Great Mystery. Cleanse yourself by drawing the smoke over your head, over each shoulder, and over your heart. With the help of another, you can be cleansed under each foot, along your legs and across your back. Sacred space is smudged before it is entered by others or at the beginning of the ceremony. Pass through the smoke whatever ceremonial instrument you wish to use--the fan, the pipe, your hands, a dream catcher. This is a useful way to cleanse your dream catcher to make it ready for use.
When the ceremony is complete, the ashes should be totally burned (avoid using more than you will need) and respectfully returned to Mother Earth, perhaps at the base of a tree, a shrub, or rock. Never dump the ashes into the garbage or trash. The purpose of the medicine path is to always walk in beauty, in balance between ego and heart, honoring the Great Mystery within you and All That Is, and respecting all other beings in the Web of Life. Ah hau!
A variation of the above involves the first person blessing and starting the smudge, then smudging her/him self and then smudging the person to the left. Then pass the smudge to the person to the left, who smudges self and then the person to the left. Continue around circle. After having passed and smudged the smudge to the person on the left, begin a slow clapping to build energy.
SWEAT LODGE (Stone Peoples Lodge)
The lodge is about ten feet across, constructed of thin, flexible saplings or willow branches, tied with string and covered with tarps. It is round and dark inside, and functions as Mother Earth’s womb of rebirth and a portal for communication with higher powers. It has a pit in the center (representing the center of universe), into which red-hot stones are ceremonially added, and water poured upon them to generate steam . A sacred fire for heating stones (representing the sun) is located east of the lodge (and its entrance) . A sacred mound (altar with sacred objects upon it) is located outside, directly between and the lodge and the fire, with an open area (sometimes marked with a path of soil) between the fire, altar, and lodge to facilitate energy movement. Sacred objects are placed on the mound. A fee is never charged for participating in a sweat, altough participants may (& should) donate to cover expenses.
Participants (in bathing suits or other clothing for many contemporary American Indian lodges, or skyclad) purify themselves by smudging before entering the lodge (from the left and move clockwise to your seat). Heated stones are placed in the pit in groups of seven, and water put on the hot stones, with appropriate prayers, etc. for each batch of stones (each batch attuned to a direction, or other focus). After the ceremony, participants exit to their left, then enter flowing water or have buckets of water poured over them to wash away what is on the skin surface, completing the pruification. More details on the physical aspects are shown in
Purifying aspects of sweat lodge ceremonies often include:
* Selecting a location and materials for a. sweat for purification, etc in cooperation with nature spirits
* Purifying and attuning the materials to their purpose as one builds the sweat, tends the fire, etc.
* Frequent prayers for purification and renewal, etc. for all participants while building the lodge and tending the fire.
* Keeping a sacred focus at the sweat site and especially during the sweat
* Lighting the fire in four directions using flames from a smudge stick or other sacred fire source, to create a purifying fire
* Fasting for a day, or at least avoiding caffeine, alcohol, etc. and contemplating the sweat during that time
* Smudging people before entering the sweat
* Sprinkling cedar. on each red-hot stone, immediately after taking it from the fire and before placing it in the lode’s pit
* Participants feel energies, habits, etc that you need to be rid of being flushed out by sweat, etc. and then washed off with water after sweat
* Appropriate guided prayer, chanting and drumming during the ceremony (or silent ceremony)
* A medicine pipe ceremony or other ritual after the sweat
* Body purification (purging the body of waste) and healing similar to that in a sauna, except that more negative ions are produced by putting water directly on hot rocks that are heated on a wood fire, etc. summarizes health and spiritual aspects of the sweat lodge ceremony.
A lot of Pagans may tell you that they like doing a pre-ritual purification. This may consist of everything from smudging, a bath, to even fasting. In college, this may seem impossible: You need food; incense may or may not be banned, and baths? Some dorms only have showers!
But all of the above are possible if you are willing to "bend the rules" (heck, most of the topics described on this site involve bending the "rules" in order to practice!) and accept that the ways you do things are not found in Pagan books. That's may even choose to skip the purification altogether.
So why bother purifying yourself? There are those, myself included, who like to go into a circle as "clean" as possible...both inside and out. Fasting cleanses the physical body on the inside, bathing cleanses the outside and mental state, and smudging with incense or the use of oils, etc. aids in cleaning your mental and emotional state for better concentration on the rite. Note that none of these steps are officially necessary, and you CERTAINLY don't want to do anything that may be bad for you (such as fasting if you're diabetic or use incense if you're asthmatic), but here are some suggestions if you choose to go this route:
Fasting: This Is Not To Be Used As A Diet!!!! If you have an eating disorder (anorexia/bulimia), diabetes, are underweight, or any other possible condition that may affect your health, *skip this step*.There are times when I like to do a 24-30 hour fast to clean out the system, however, it is something I do only about once or twice a year at most. If you choose to fast, do so wisely: Don't crash-fast. Make sure you work your way down, and only fast for either a set amount of time, or if you're really hungry, you can give in and break the fast. No one will scold you. But check with your doctor first to see if there are any risks. I cannot stress this enough: TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. (As a female, hey, I know what it's like to have a low body image...this is not to make you any's ONLY to be used as a spiritual experience.)
With these warnings stated, if you choose to continue with a fast, be sure to drink lots of water or fruit juice. Dehydration can damage the kidneys, so you want to stay hydrated. Theoretically, you should be drinking about 64 oz. (~1.7 liters) of water per day. Make 2 liters your goal, if possible. Yeah, you'll have to go to the bathroom a lot, but you want to flush the toxins out. Lack of fluids will only concentrate the toxins in the body. Choose a time for fasting when you don't have to eat for energy (example: before a sports event or exam is NOT a good idea) and can stick to it (without being tempted by desserts around the holidays). Weekends are good times, because not only can you hide out in your room, you can use this time to concentrate on why you chose to fast: Purification. This is a good meditative period, and you don't want to be bothered by other, more important priorities. When you come out of the fast (like I said, I usually limit myself to 24-30 hours), make it your goal to eat healthy foods to keep the toxin levels down. First of all, you want to bring yourself out of it slowly, starting with fruits, vegetables, and fresh pastas and breads. Try to stay away from immediately treating yourself to a juicy steak (I'll admit to being a carnivore and loving red meat, but this is not the time for it) and fried foods. From there, add in fish, then white meats like poultry and pork, and eventually go back to red meats. If you're vegetarian or vegan, move from light foods to heavier foods *slowly*. Also try to avoid caffeine at this time, and continue to drink lots of water...weekends are also good because you may be able to get a decent night's sleep, as well, which can be really relaxing and "purifies" your mood!
Even on campus, you can fast...the salad bar may be more expensive, but it will be better for you than ordering out for pizza for a while when you go into and come out of the fast. Be picky about what you eat, and if needs be (and if possible!) make a run to a grocery store and cook for yourself. If you think you want to fast, really plan ahead for it. Once again, this is not a necessary step, and can be dangerous if you're not careful.
Aromatherapy: As New-Agey as it sounds, the use of scents really helps your mind-set. Before your ritual, try lighting scented candles, incense, or use an oil burner if possible. If fire is not allowed, choose an oil and dab it on your pulse points and just meditate (or as I often do: lay down and just breathe in the scent while thinking of the ritual at hand). No oils? Choose a favorite perfume or cologne that you feel "refreshes" you or makes you think of the ritual. For example, if you're about to do a ritual around harvest or winter time (usually from Lughnasadh through Yule) you would probably choose spicy scents, while spring and summer would either be time for floral or watery scents. Make sure you test the scent to see if you have an allergic reaction, first, and be wary of oils...don't use super-concentrated or potpourri oils on your skin. If there's a warning label, FOLLOW IT. If you have a Body Shop around you, they have perfume oils that you can test before buying, and they generally have a good variety of scents.
I personally prefer incense, and lately you can find it at grocery and drug stores as well as candle stores such as Wicks 'N' Sticks. For general use, I choose sandalwood, but I'm also partial to cinnamon in the cooler months and "Rain" and peach for the warmer months. If you're still having problems using aromatherapy, you can find drawer sachets even at stores like Linens 'N Things and put them to good use. Unless the sachet says "Do Not Open," try boiling some water in a hot pot, and put about a tablespoon of the sachet contents in. Let it simmer, and the steam should carry the scent around the room. When in doubt, if you have an air freshener that you REALLY like, spray it around the room and relax. Inhale the scent (the use of incense is called smudging, though it's usually a bit more involved by directing the smoke over your space and even over your body) and concentrate on your purpose for ritual.
Bathing: A ritual bath is a wonderful way to relax while concentrating on the ritual before you robe for the ritual itself. Believe it or not, it IS possible to get the same feeling in the shower, but let's start with baths: Once again, the use of aromatherapy is a genuine trigger for the bath. Some people put a sachet of appropriate herbs into a small sack of cheesecloth or muslin and let that soak in the tub. (In other words, you steep yourself in a very mild tea.) Some make or use commercial bath salts in place of herbs. You can even use bubbles if you feel it will help you. The catch is not to have the ingredients you find in a want to use what makes you feel the most relaxed but focused. Mr. Bubble can work just as well as an over-priced herb sachet from your local witch-nook if that's what relaxes you.
If you choose to bathe, try taking a quick shower to get rid of the grime first, then use the bath to rid yourself of that "mental" impurity. Imagine soaking up the positive energy (forgive me for sounding like a flake) from the water and replacing it with the negative buildup within you. Play some soft music, use a relaxation tape, or consider buying a sound spa (one of those machines that has sounds like ocean waves, frogs, and heartbeats that repeat) to let your sense of hearing help you relax. Don't bring a book in...just think about your ritual. When you're done, pull the plug and stay in the tub as it drains. Do not get out until it's completely drained (or if you're freezing cold!).
No, I have not forgotten those of you living in dorms who wouldn't think of stepping into a shower without shower shoes, much less sitting down in a tub if one exists in the building. (Yes, I *finally* live in an apartment, and feel a bit spoiled to actually have a clean tub.) You can still take a purification shower. Instead of using herbs or salts, choose a soap or shower gel that suits your mood. It's even better if you have a whole set of shower products of the same brand/scent. Soap yourself up really well, and let it replace the negative energy in you with the positive energy in the lather. As you rinse yourself off, let the lather carry it down the drain. Repeat as necessary. I go completely girly on this one and first use an exfoliating scrub to get rid of the grime that builds up physically, then a matching gel to do the spiritual cleansing. I then like to top it off with a body spray, lotion, or even perfume that matches the scent to let the smell linger. Both, The Body Shop and Bath And Body Works have some good product lines for males and females. (For the record, my favorite was the Azurine scent in the Victoria's Secret "Second Skin Satin" line...however, I believe it's been discontinued now. Receiving this line in a gift set was wonderful.)
Robing For The Ritual: Okay, so this isn't really a part of the "purification" process, but it continues the mental state from the time you first began your purification up to the point where you are ready to commence the ritual. No matter what method or combination of methods you choose for purification, try to have your circle space set up and your ritual planned before you robe for your rite. You want to sail smoothly from your purification as directly as possible into the ritual since the whole idea is to get into a relaxed yet focused mental state.
No matter if you choose to go skyclad, wear ornate robes, or just boxer shorts and a t-shirt, make the process of getting into (or out of, as the case may be!) as sacred as possible. A "robing ritual" from Ed Fitch's A Grimoire of Shadows starts with putting on foot jewelry (first left foot, then right foot, signifying that you are stepping out on your sacred path), then the robes ("Symbolizing the power of the Goddess wrapped around her servant" - p. 116), then the cord or girdle (or's like an umbilical cord to the Divine), then a/the sacred necklace, talisman, pendant, or other jewelry for the neck/chest region which indicates your goals or ideals within the Craft, then a ring of sentimental/sacred value (symbolizing the spiritual "marriage" to the Divine), and finally the helmet or circlet of office (which "crowns" you in a position of power). Once again, these steps are not necessary...if all you have is a pentacle necklace and boxers/t-shirt combination, put on the clothes, then put on the necklace, all in a sacred manner. This robing ritual is based on Fitch's tradition, and I include it here to describe the "order" and mentality that goes into each piece. (The book goes into a fuller description of this ritual, complete with script and how you should think about each piece as you put it on.)
How you go about purifying yourself before a ritual is up to you...these are just a few suggestions that may be helpful in your decision. When in doubt, if you want to go bare minimum, wash your face and hands with cold water, and head off to your circle. You may notice a genuine difference in how you feel in the rite!
Personal Cleansing Rite #1 from
A cup of spring water
A white candle
Ground and Center. Begin to feel inner power. Light candle with the intention to purify yourself. Allow the light of the candle to resonate with your own power, making both stronger. Pick up the cup and hold it at heart level. Breathe deeply, feeling the light of the candle permeate the water… Feel your heart open and imagine that you are forming a circuit of power with the candle flame, flowing through the cup of water. "See" the water glow with that power. Allow it to become charged with power. Take three deep breaths and then drink the water, feeling it wash away all that is impure or useless. Bask in the power of the candle and the openness you feel. Extinguish the candle. A deepening of this ritual might include performing it in the bath tub, shower, or outdoors and pouring the water over your head.
Personal Cleansing Rite #2
Sea salt
A bathtub (or shower)
Your favorite essential oils (optional)
Ground and Center. While drawing a bath hold a handful of sea salt in your power hand for the span of three deep breaths. (If you are showering then you will place the sea salt (and oils) into a small pouch made from a thin natural cloth which you will use as a washcloth.) Pour the salt into the bath water with the intent to create a healing/cleansing environment and say:
By Salt of Sea,
I call to me,
And set in motion,
This tiny ocean,
Whose briny deep,
Shall cleanse and keep
All evil deflected,
My soul protected."
Add your essential oils if you are using them and get into the bath. As you bathe, allow yourself to relax. Imagine that the stress, pain, anxiety or curse is being "drawn" from you like poison and being neutralized by the salt. When you feel ready, drain the tub imagining the neutralized energy flowing back to the ocean to be recycled. (You may wish to follow this up with the Personal Cleansing Rite #1 for added effectiveness.
A Sermon
By the
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington
Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin."—Isaiah 53:10.
OTH Jews and Gentiles knew pretty well what an offering for sin meant. The Gentiles had been in the habit of offering sacrifices. The Jews, however, had by far the clearer idea of it. And what was meant by a sin-offering? Undoubtedly, it was taken for granted by the offerer, that without shedding blood there was no remission of sin. Conscious of guilt, and anxious for pardon, therefore he brought a sacrifice, the blood of which should be poured out at the foot of the altar—feeling persuaded that without sacrifice there was no satisfaction, and without satisfaction there was no pardon. Then the victim to be offered was, on all occasions, a spotless one. The most scrupulous care was taken that it should be altogether without blemish; for this idea was always connected with a sin-offering, that it must be sinless in itself; and being without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, it was held to be a competent victim to take the offender's place. That done, the victim being selected, the offerer put his hand upon the sin-offering—and this indeed was the essence of the whole transaction—putting his hand on the victim, he confessed his sin, and a transferrence took place, in type at least, from the offender to the victim. He did, as it were, put the sin from off his own shoulders on to those of the lamb, or the bullock, or the he-goat which was now about to be slaughtered. And, to complete the sin-offering, the priest draws his knife and kills the victim which must be utterly consumed with fire. I say this was always the idea of a sin-offering,—that of a perfect victim; without offense on its own account, taking the place of the offender; the transferrence of the offender's sin to that victim, and that expiation in the person of the victim for the sin done by another.
Now, Jesus Christ has been made by God an offering for sin; and oh that to-night we may be able to do in reality what the Jew did in metaphor! May we put our hand upon the head of Christ Jesus; as we see him offered up upon the cross for guilty men, may we know that our sins are transferred to him, and may we be able to cry, in the ecstasy of faith, "Great God, I am clean; through Jesus' blood I am clean."
Archdiocese of Boston Bishop Murphy's Pilot Column
The Pope’s message for Lent In this Lent the Holy Father invites us, in that same spirit, to renew our own lives through the sacrifice of the Mass, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and through our own personal prayer The Italians call the fourth Sunday of Lent “Mezzaquaresima,” the middle of Lent. In some places there is a little celebration. Depending on your outlook, this can be seen as in anticipation of the joy of Easter or of release from the shackles of Lent. Whatever, it is a good moment for us all to take stock and reflect on our progress during this Lent and to re-assert or correct or even start anew on the path that leads to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. There is no better source to help us do that than the Holy Father’s Message for Lent 2001. In that message Pope John Paul II invites “all believers to an ardent and confident prayer to the experience anew His mercy.” He reminds us that this Lent, as every Lent, we are “going up to Jerusalem” with the Lord and so are invited by the Lord Himself to make Lent “a propitious time for self conversion and for finding full communion with Him, intimately taking part in the mystery of His death and resurrection.” The way to do this is by “a profound re-examination of life” by opening our hearts to God’s “touching messages of the liturgy” thus drawing closer to Him, “turning inward and listening to his voice within us.” While Lent is the special time for our own personal renewal through prayer, fasting and acts of charity, that time is not “individual” in the sense that we experience Lent in isolation or that we find Lent to be a period of exclusive intimacy with God separate from the worlds we live in and the world we all share. From his invitation to make Lent a time of personal renewal, the Holy Father immediately calls our attention to the world about us: “The numerous and tragic conflicts which tear at humanity, sometimes also arising from misunderstood religious motives, have left marks of hatred and violence among peoples…In the face of this alarming scenario, Christians cannot remain indifferent.” That means that we must first purify our own hearts and seek forgiveness. It equally means that our own process of personal purification cannot stop with ourselves but must include our responsibility for the world with a plea to God for His divine mercy. In this light, citing the example of his own liturgical act of “Purification of Memory” at the beginning of Lent last year, the Pope reminds us that “the only way to peace is forgiveness... For nations in search of reconciliation and for those hoping for peaceful coexistence among individuals and peoples, there is no other way than forgiveness received and offered...To love the one who offends you disarms the adversary and is able to transform a battlefield into a place of supportive co-operation.” How extraordinary and how inspiring are these words of the Holy Father. How much would the world benefit if we could become the instruments for making these ideals operative in the world of politics, society and economy? To make us more generous in setting the terms of the marketplace to give everyone a share in the world’s riches, to build a society in which forgiveness replaces revenge, to invite the leaders of the world’s nations to relate to one another not in terms of selfish advantage and xenophobic protectionism but in terms of solidarity and mutual help and understanding, this would translate the sacrifice of the cross into the effective force to change the way the world lives. In effect what the Pope invites us to do is to be converted to that love which is the only guarantor of lasting justice. He tells us that we need reconciliation in order to offer reconciliation. In so doing we will discover how generous the human heart can be because it is a heart molded and shaped by the loving heart of Jesus. To take upon ourselves the misery present in the world will be demanding but, even more, rewarding. “To look at the suffering face and the conditions of misery of many brothers and sisters forces us to share at least a part of our own goods with those in difficulty.” And that sharing will mean that our own lives become enriched by the brothers and sisters we have discovered as part of us through our helping them in their need from our riches. St. John Chrysostom, in a famous homily, told the people of Constantinople that it was useless to adorn the churches with golden chalices if they were ignoring the needs of the starving and the poor outside the doors of those same churches. In this Lent the Holy Father invites us, in that same spirit, to renew our own lives through the sacrifice of the Mass, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and through our own personal prayer. This will lead us and our communities and our nation to be reconcilers in the world and leaders in reducing human misery and pain. It is now the middle of Lent. As we go up to Jerusalem these next few weeks, let us bring all peoples of the world with us in hearts of forgiveness, reconciliation and commitment to one another for a world of
Cristianisme i Justícia
(Permanent Council)
1. 3. Mysticism
What we have described is the official religion. But where the experience of God is authentic, this goes beyond the official schemas. In fact, Islam has handed down to humanity one of the greatest treasures of mystical literature. We refer to all that current of literature spanning some seven centuries from Baghdad to Spain and which is known by the name of Sufism. Sufism is a way of personal purification, very serious and beautiful at the same time.
In it, the experience of the closeness of God is of such intensity that it is often quite close to "Christian"-cut formulations in which the distance between God and man seem to disappear. On account of this second point, Sufism is looked upon with suspicion in the majority of Islamic societies, and in some is even banned. For its beauty it is being converted into a product of "consumption" for our bored Western society, that runs the danger of trivialising it, not knowing the seriousness of its ways of personal purification[1][4].
Circle casting adapted by Matrika of PAN - the ORIGINAL Psychic Awareness Network BBS at 1-703-362-1139
ADAPTED from the Community of Isis Rites in Salem MA. for use by the Moonchildren Coven
This requires the use of a duly consecrated wand, a chalice, an athame and a container for salt and water - NON - plastic PLEASE - on your altar as well as 2 candle sticks with candles in them and an incense burner for stick or hanging incense. You should work robed or nude as you prefer. In the 4 directions you should have either air (as incense) or fire (as candle - lit, of course, and preferably red) in the east - according to your tradition. The OTHER element - the one not used in the east - in the south, again according to your tradition. ( I prefer air-east- wand, fire-south - athame, personally - but I realize there are differences in tradition.
A bowl - again NOT plastic - of water in the west and some rocks or a dish of salt in the North for earth.
IF you wish you may lay a circle of salt on the floor, leaving a gate for the priest/ess to enter and leave for the temple purification or you may visualize the circle coming as electric blue light out of your athame point as you cast it. after s/he returns from purifying the outer perimeter, the gate would be closed and the circle cast (after the directions are called) by pointing the athame (or the sword) at the salt and charging it instead of casting into the air. The gate would be closed by completing the circle of salt.
Okay, I am writing this as used by a person working alone, but the P or PS in parenthesis is how it would be done if done by a couple. PS is the female and P is the male. This is the IDEAL form of the rite.
(PS) picks up bowl of salt and bowl of water on alter. (P) picks up athame and places it point down in the water and says "SALT is pure, let this salt be pure and let it purify our rites as we use it in the service of the Lady and the Lord?
(PS) pours some of the salt into the water. (P) stirs it with his athame and says: "May this sacred salt purify this water so it may be used in this service of the Lord and Lady, throughout this rite, in any way and at any time we may wish to use it."
(PS) takes the salt-water and sprinkles it about the perimeter of the circle (outer) saying the following while walking WIDDERSHINS (to banish) or counter-clockwise:
"Salt and water where I cast thee
No spell or unknown purpose be
Unless in full accord with me
and as I will SO MOTE IT BE"
She returns to the circle. The (P) then takes the incense burner - if a swinging one - or the burning stick of incense and goes around the circle deosil saying: "ever as we walk in the ways may we feel the presence of the Lady and the Lord We know that in all we do they are ever with us They abide in us and we in them forever. No disharmony or imbalance can be entertained for purity, harmony and balance are the dwellers within and without us:
For good do we strive and
for good do we live
Love unto all things
SO be it forever
Love is the law and Love is the bond
Blessed be the Lady and the Lord"
Although many morning and evening rituals have come down to us, only the information that there existed Mid-Day Rituals has survived. This mid-day ritual was created from both ancient texts and my own writing.
Altar cloth color: Light Blue,
because of its association with the sky during the daytime and its sacredness
to Hwt-Hrw. Other necessary items include: two bowls of spring water (one for
purification and one as a libation offering), oil lamp, incense, Natron, a
symbol of Ma'at, an item of gold, fruit, sistrum, ritual broom.
Light the charcoal and place it in the burner.
Hold up the bowl of spring water as you say:
Oh water may you remove all evil, As Ra who bathes in the Lake of Rushes
May Heru wash my flesh,
May Djehuty cleanse my feet,
May Shu lift me up and Nut take my hand.
Set the bowl of water aside and say:
My Natron is the Natron of Heru, and the Natron of Heru is my Natron.
My Natron is the Natron of Sutekh and Natron of Sutekh is my Natron.
My Natron is the Natron of Djehuty, and the Natron of Djehuty is my Natron.
My Natron is the Natron of Geb and the Natron of Geb is my Natron.
My mouth is the mouth of the milking calf on the day that I was born.
Mix some Natron with the spring water. Then take the bowl of Natron and
sprinkle this lightly as you walk four times around the ritual area.
Light the oil lamp
Perform the ritual gesture of Embracing the Earth while saying:
Come, come in peace O glorious Eye of Heru, Be strong and renew your youth in
For the flame shines like Ra on the double horizon,
I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure.
Put the incense on the burning charcoal in the burner
Assume the posture of Adoration (Dua) while saying:
The fire is laid, the fire shines;
The incense is laid on the fire, the incense shines.
Your perfume comes to me, Oh incense;
May my perfume come to you, Oh incense.
Your perfume comes to me, Oh Neteru;
May my perfume come to you, you Neteru.
May I be with you, you Neteru;
May you be with me, you Neteru.
May I live with you, you Neteru;
May you live with me, you Neteru.
I love you, you Neteru;
May you love me, you Neteru.
Invocation To Hwt-Hrw
Add incense to the burner
Assume the posture of Invocation as you recite the following invocations:
Make jubilation for Gold, and sweet pleasure for the Lady of the Two Lands.
Great is her Majesty when she is propitiated.
Adoration of Gold when she shines forth in the sky.
To you belongs everything in the sky while Re is in it.
To you belongs everything in the earth while Geb is in it.
There is no Neter who does what you dislike when you appear in glory.
(Tomb of Kheruef, translated by E F Wente, text 47-48)
Invocation to Ra
Add incense to the burner, say:
Hail Ra in your beautiful crossing.
I have seen you in the three forms which you take.
I have adored you in the morning, In this your name of Khrpri.
I have praised you at midday, In this your name of Ra.
I have propitiated you in the evening, In this your name of Atum.
It is your uraeus snake who has enchanted your enemies.
Your uraeus snake surrounds you.
(Papyrus Louvre, translated by G Nagel, No.45)
Offering to Ma'at
Take the symbol of Ma'at and assume a posture of offering, say:
Oh Ma'at, first and last
We praise you, Mistress of All
Without whom there could only be chaos
Through whom all is manifest.
We, who breathe you
We, who exist in you
We, whose bodies are of you
We, whose thoughts flow through you
Honor and glorify your name!
May your power and dominion
Continue without end.
place the Ma'at symbol on the altar.
Offering of Libation
Take the spring water and hold it in a gesture of Offering, say:
This Libation is for you, Oh Gold
This libation is for you, Hwt-Hrw.
I have brought you this offering of water,
That your heart may be refreshed.
I have brought you this offering of water,
Placing it at your feet.
I present that which flows forth from You.
That Your heart shall continue to beat.
For it is with you that all comes forth at the sound of the voice.
Place libation on the altar
Hold the bowl of spring water in your left hand in front of your chest, say:
Ra reaches his zenith in potency and strength
Dip the tips of your fingers of your right hand into the water and sprinkle it
before the altar.
You, Oh Hwt-Hrw, dance before him.
Again dip your finger tips and sprinkle the water before the altar.
Lady of the Vulva, your beauty sings to his heart.
A third time, dip your finger tips and sprinkle the water before the altar
Insatiable, he lusts after you, toward his destiny.
A forth time, dip your finger tips and sprinkle the water before the altar
It is you who calls and beckons, who inspires him forth.
A fifth time, dip your finger tips and sprinkle the water before the altar
Oh Golden One, may your attraction continue for millions of years.
(the water is sprinkled five times to symbolize the union of two, becoming, and
three, creation becoming manifest. Together they represent power and energy.)
Hold the bowl of sand in your left hand in front of your chest, say:
Ra reaches his zenith in potency and strength
Take a little sand in yur fingers and sprinkle before the altar
You, Oh Hwt-Hrw, dance before him.
Take a little sand in your fingers and sprinkle before the altar
Lady of the Vulva, your beauty sings to his heart.
Take a little sand in your fingers and sprinkle before the altar
Insatiable, he lusts after you, toward his destiny.
Take a little sand in your fingers and sprinkle before the altar
It is you who calls and beckons, who inspires him forth. Take a little sand in
your fingers and sprinkle before the altar
Oh Golden One, may your attraction continue for millions of years.
(the sand is sprinkled five times to symbolize the union of two, becoming, and
three, creation becoming manifest. Together they represent power and energy.
Five plus five is ten, relating specifically to the comcepts of time and space,
as well as measurement. It represents manifestation)
Move the offering table next to the altar
Add incense to the burner
Hold in your hand the food offering and assume a posture of offering,
Offer in your cupped hand, an item of gold.
For You Ra traverses the sky, and so we live.
For this I honor you with what comes from you
Returning it, to be given again.
Place the item of gold before the image.
(gold symbolizes the devine, the sun and Ra, immortality, spirituality, the
stars and heaven. In particular it came to be equated with Hwt-Hrw, and she as
the personifiction of gold.)
Offer in your cupped hands a piece of fruit
Because of you the world is fertile, and so we live.
For this I praise you with what comes from you,
Returning it, to be given again.
Place the piece of fruit before the image.
(Fruit is to symbolize the power of the sun to create)
Offer in your cupped hands the sistrum.
Through you the people are filled with pleasure and joy, and so we live.
For this I exalt you with what comes from you
Returning it, to be given again.
Add incense to the burner. Play the sistrum rhythmically while you say:
My body speaks, my lips repeat
Pure Ihy-music, for Hwt-Hrw.
Music, millions
And hundreds and thousands of it,
Because you love music,
A million of music for your ka,< your all In>
Tomb of Kheruef, pls 35-36
(The sistrum is to symbolize the the non-material concepts of pleasure, joy
(which humans desire) through equally non-material music (which is pleasing to
Hwt-Hrw) Also the three offerings represent the unity of an integrated group, a
system that is interactive among it's parts.)
Place the sistrum before the image.
Add incense to the burner and proceed to a time of meditation.
Extinguish the oil lamp, brush the area in front of the altar with your ritual
broom as you back away.
Djehuty has come.
He has delivered the Eye of Heru from the hand of his enemies.
No evil shall enter this temple.
Ptah has closed the door, Djehuty has set it fast.
The door is closed, the door is set fast with the bolt.
Article by Lynn Bellair
All rights reserved. Personal or non commercial website use permitted.
From Ven. Thubten Chodron's Pearl
of Wisdom, Book II
(used with permission)
Visualize about four inches above your head an open white lotus upon which is a moon disc. Vajrasattva is seated upon this. He is white, translucent and adorned with beautiful ornaments and clothes of celestial silk. His two hands are crossed at his heart; the right holds a vajra, symbolic of great bliss; his left holds a bell, symbolic of the wisdom of emptiness. The vajra and bell together signify his attainment of the enlightened state, the inseparable unity of the wisdom and form bodies. At his heart is a moon disc with the seed-syllable HUM at its center and the letters of Vajrasattva's hundred-syllable mantra standing clockwise around its edge.
take refuge in the Three Jewels.
I will liberate all sentient beings and lead them to enlightenment.
Thus, I will perfectly generate the mind dedicated to attaining
enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Recollect, with deep regret, the specific negativities you have created. Then meditate deeply on the meaning of the following:
"The negative karma I have accumulated from beginningless time is as extensive as the ocean. Although I know that each negative action leads to countless eons of suffering, it seems that I am constantly striving to create nothing but negative actions. Even though I try to avoid non-virtue and practice positive acts, day and night without respite, negativities and moral downfalls come to me like rainfall. I lack the ability to purify these faults so that no trace of them remains. With these negative imprints still in my mind, I could suddenly die and find myself falling to an unfortunate rebirth. What can I do? Please Vajrasattva, with your great compassion, guide me from such misery!"
From the HUM at Vajrasattva's heart, light radiates in all directions, requesting the Buddhas to bestow their blessings. They accept the request and send white rays of light and nectar, the essence of which is the knowledge of their body, speech and mind. The light and nectar absorb into the HUM and the letters of the mantra at Vajrasattva's heart. They then fill his whole body completely, enhancing the magnificence of his appearance and increasing the brilliance of the mantra.
While reciting the mantra, visualize that white rays of light and nectar stream continuously from the HUM and mantra at Vajrasattva's heart. They flow down through the crown of your head and fill every cell of your body and mind with infinite bliss. Recite the mantra at least 21 times or more, if possible.
om vajrasattva samaya manu palaya - vajrasattva deno patita - dido may bhawa - suto kayo may bhawa - supo kayo may bhawa - anu rakto may bhawa - sarwa siddhi mepar yatsa - sarwa karma su tsa may - tsitam shriyam kuru hum - ha ha ha ha ho - bhagawan - sarwa tatagata - vajra ma may mu tsa - vajra bhawa maha samaya sattva - ah hum pey
If you have not yet memorized the long mantra, or if you are pressed for time, you may recite the short mantra at least 28 times.
om vajrasattva hum
While reciting either of the mantras, continue to visualize the flow of light and nectar and perform the following four visualizations alternately.
Your disturbing attitudes and negativities in general and particularly those of the body, take the form of black ink. Sickness takes the form of pus and blood and afflictions caused by spirits appear in the form of scorpions, snakes, frogs and crabs. Flushed out by the light and nectar, they all leave your body through the lower openings, like filthy liquid flowing down a drain pipe. Feel completely empty of these problems and negativities; they no longer exist anywhere.
Your disturbing attitudes and imprints of negativities of speech take the form of liquid tar. The light and nectar fill your body as water fills a dirty glass: the negativities, like the dirt, rise to the top and flow out through the upper openings of your body: your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc. Feel completely empty of these problems; they no longer exist.
Your disturbing attitudes and the imprints of mental negativities appear as darkness at your heart. When struck by the forceful stream of light and nectar, the darkness completely vanishes. It is like turning a light on in a room: the darkness does not go anywhere, it simply ceases to exist. Feel that you are completely empty of all these problems; they are non-existent.
Do the three above visualizations simultaneously. This sweeps away the subtle obscurations that prevent you from seeing correctly all that exists. Feel completely free of these obscurations.
After reciting the mantra and doing the visualizations, make the following promise to Vajrasattva, specifying a period of time for which you intend to keep it:
"I shall not create these negative actions from now until ______."
Vajrasattva is extremely pleased and says, "My spiritual child of the essence, all your negativities, obscurations and degenerated vows have been completely purified."
With delight, Vajrasattva melts into light and dissolves into you. Your body, speech and mind become inseparably one with Vajrasattva's holy body, speech and mind. Concentrate on this.
to this merit may I soon
Attain the enlightened state of Vajrasattva,
That I may be able to liberate
All sentient beings from their suffering.
May the precious
bodhi mind
Not yet born arise and grow.
May that born have no decline,
But increase forever more.
Return to Prayers and Practices
Personal Cleansing Rite #1
A cup of spring water
A white candle
Ground and Center. Begin to feel inner power. Light candle with the intention to purify yourself. Allow the light of the candle to resonate with your own power, making both stronger. Pick up the cup and hold it at heart level. Breathe deeply, feeling the light of the candle permeate the water… Feel your heart open and imagine that you are forming a circuit of power with the candle flame, flowing through the cup of water. "See" the water glow with that power. Allow it to become charged with power. Take three deep breaths and then drink the water, feeling it wash away all that is impure or useless. Bask in the power of the candle and the openness you feel. Extinguish the candle. A deepening of this ritual might include performing it in the bath tub, shower, or outdoors and pouring the water over your head.
Personal Cleansing Rite #2
Sea salt
A bathtub (or shower)
Your favorite essential oils (optional)
Ground and Center. While drawing a bath hold a handful of sea salt in your power hand for the span of three deep breaths. (If you are showering then you will place the sea salt (and oils) into a small pouch made from a thin natural cloth which you will use as a washcloth.) Pour the salt into the bath water with the intent to create a healing/cleansing environment and say:
By Salt of Sea,
I call to me,
And set in motion,
This tiny ocean,
Whose briny deep,
Shall cleanse and keep
All evil deflected,
My soul protected."
Add your essential oils if you are using them and get into the bath. As you bathe, allow yourself to relax. Imagine that the stress, pain, anxiety or curse is being "drawn" from you like poison and being neutralized by the salt. When you feel ready, drain the tub imagining the neutralized energy flowing back to the ocean to be recycled. (You may wish to follow this up with the Personal Cleansing Rite #1 for added effectiveness.
Cleansing A Space (simple version)
A sage bundle (or other purification herbs)
A white candle
Ground and Center. Begin to feel inner power. Light candle with the intention to purify the area. Allow the candle flame to resonate with your inner power. Breathe into it then light the bundle of sage until it smolders. 'Smudge' the area by walking the perimeter of the area, making sure that one window (or door) remains open as an exit point for negativity. Make sure that the smoke gets into the corners of the room and take extra time on windows and doors. If a strong negative presence resides in a particular area take some time to really fumigate that area with the smoke. When you have completed walking the perimeter you may extinguish the sage or allow it to burn out. After you feel the rite is complete, extinguish the candle.
Cleansing A Space (heavy-duty version)
A broom
A sage bundle (or other purification herbs)
A black candle
Some sea salt
Spring water
A pleasant smelling essential oil (lemon works great)
A bell (or optionally a music recording of your choice)
Begin by performing the Personal Cleansing Rite #2 and then the Personal Cleansing Rite #1. Ground and Center. Begin to feel inner power. Light the candle with the intent that all evil is being banished. Ring the bell 9 times (or you may put on your favorite song that makes you feel powerful.) Take the broom and walk counter-clockwise around the area "stirring" the air with it. Focus your intent on sweeping up negativity, getting it ready to be discarded. Burn the sage and smudge as given in the Simple version. Smudge the salt combining it with the water holding it for a time in front of the candle, meditating on the flame and imagining it to permeate the mixture. Add a few drops of the oil and say:
By earth and air,
By fire, by water, by spirit,
I charge you with purity.
Anoint yourself with the mixture on the forehead then ring the bell 3 times. Now anoint the doors and windows while you sprinkle it over the entire area. Ring bell once. Extinguish the candle. Now do something to bring in good vibrations, such as dance, or have a party.
What you will need
1 ~ A new clean white outfit [a white t-shirt and sweats will do just fine. ]
2 ~ Some frankincense incense or a white sage smudge stick or both!
[a].. Frankincense can be purchased in sticks. See Gidion's PurificationTM
[b].. Or a white sage smudge stick. Gidion's PurificationTM White Sage
Smudge Stick
3 ~ A white candle that stands up by itself and a lighter.
4 ~ Some beautiful red ribbon. One for each bedroom doorway of your home
and one for the main entrance.
5 ~ Some really great spiritual music or complete quiet [It's a preference
6 ~ And a bag of brand new cleansers from the store.. Cause you are definitely
gonna feel like cleaning when we are thru! [If not today, tomorrow. You will
want to clean. And, it's great Feug Shui to clean !!]
· Aura Mist <auramist.htm>
· Bath & Body
· Massage Oils <massageoils.htm>
· Body Washes <bathbody.htm>
· Shampoos <shampoos.htm>
· Eye Serum <eyeserum.htm>
· Green Tea Mask <greenteamask.htm>
· Salt Baths <saltbaths.htm>
· Salt Scrubs <saltscrubs.htm>
· Crystals
· Power Pendants <crystalhunks.htm>
· Pendants <pendants.htm>
· Pocket Crystals <pocketenergycrystals.htm>
· Incense <incense.htm>
· Meditation Sprinkler <waterwheel.htm>
· Purification Candles <purecandles.htm>
Circle – sweep with a magical broom
Cherokee Moons
JANUARY: Cold Moon (Unolvtani)
This time of the season is a time for personal and ritual observance, fasting and personal purification.
During this season, families prepare for the coming of the new seasons, starting in Windy Moon Anuyi or March. Personal items and tools for planting are repaired, and new ones made.
Stories about ancestors and the family are implarted to the younger ones by the elders.
A mid-Winter or Cold Moon Dance is usually held in the community as well, marking the passing or ending of one cycle of seasons and welcoming the beginning of the new cycle.
Hearth fires are put out and new ones made. The putting out of Fires and lighting of new ones anciently is the duty of certain priest of certain clans, and coincides with the first new-arrival of the morning star (Sun's daughter, now called Venus) in the east.